Summit County Toys for Tots

Akron Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots Coordinator
Kevin Bonilla-Medina

The Local Impact

Summit County Toys for Tots during 2024

Toys Distributed
Children Supported

The mission of the Toys for Tots program "is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in Akron."

The 2024 Akron Toys for Tots Campaign distributed over 50,000 toys to 18,711 children!! Thank you to all volunteers, local businesses, and The Good Year Blimp for making it another successful year!

  Please read the sections below for more information about our program. (Posted dates are tentative but will not change significantly).

Helpful Links:
Registration     Toy Collection Boxes     Event Support     Volunteering     Frequently Asked Questions

Good Year Blimp Event
Dates: December 6 - December 8

Event Hours:
Dec 6: 2pm - 7pm
Dec 7: 2pm - 7pm
 Dec 8: 2pm - 7pm 

Registration will begin October 2nd 2024.
To register to receive toys you will need to apply in person at THE LIGHT CHURCH: 980 Rhodes Ave, Akron OH 44307.

Tues., Wed. & Thurs.

Hours: 10am-2pm

Note: Please bring a Birth Certificate per child, Valid I.D.(Parent/Guardian) and social security card to register your child.

Toy Collection Boxes

The Marine Corps' Toys for Tots program collects new, and unwrapped, toys from the local community through events and toy box donations. If you would like to sponsor a Toy Drop Box, please fill out the form above. We do have a relatively limited number of boxes at our disposal and careful consideration will be given to the selection of those businesses/organizations who will receive said boxes. We do encourage businesses/organizations to create their own festive box for collections but do ask that they register with us before collecting. This will prevent any confusion about the intent of the collection box. Collecting toys under the Toys for Tots logo without turning the toys over to the Akron Toys for Tots program is fraud. We intend to begin the box collection process starting on December 1st until December 15th. Please make sure your boxes are ready for pick up no later than December 1st. If your box has not been picked up by 4:30pm on December 15th, be sure to contact SSgt Bonilla at 760-622-9552. This will allow us to collect and sort the toys in time for distribution. Please keep these dates in mind when planning your events and submitting box requests. Toys collected after December 15th may not be able to be used in this years Toys for Tots Campaign.
Note: Box Drop Off registration will close on November 15th. We will deliver all remaining boxes to approved locations by November 22nd.

Toy Distribution
Toy Distribution is on December 21th from 8am to 3:30 pm at address below.
980 Rhodes Ave, Akron OH 44307

Phone: 330-333-2804

Event Support
Toys for Tots Events are some of the best events of the Christmas season. We love them and Akron loves them. Businesses and Organizations may put together a Toys for Tots collection event and the Marines can come out to support them. The event is really only limited by your imagination. However, Marines may not endorse a product or service during their support of the Toys for Tots program. We have many wonderful event requests each year and are not always able to support all of them. Please note that their will be a limit on the number of events we can perform due to limited personnel and vehicle support. The last day that we will be able to come out will be December 16th. After that we will be busy getting ready to distribute all of the toys collected.

We welcome those members of the community who wish to volunteer their time in support of our program. Your Akron Toys for Tots program could use assistance with:
Counting and Sorting toys at the Storage Center
Toy Collection (Box Pick-Ups/Screening process involved)
Toy Distribution

Preference will be given to current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do you not collect?

A:  We do not collect food or clothing. We also do not collect items which require a system to use (e.g., movies and video games). 


Q: Can I request specific toys?

A: We do not take specific toy requests. We distribute the toys we receive from the community and do not purchase high-priced items. We will take into consideration if a medical condition limits what the child should receive.